Sodobna meščanka
V meščanski vili v klasičnem ovoju s sodobno dušo, se odpira svet sodobnega in funkcijonalnega oblikovanja. Začenjamo s sprejemnico, kjer se razkriva zadržana estetika, ki določa celoten koncept interijerja, ki nato prehaja skozi vse prostore vile. Prevladujejo sivine in naravna tekstura lesa, ki jih poudarjajo črni elementi. Elegantno odprto stopnišče nas vodi do osrednjega bivalnega prostora, ki se skriva za velikimi drsnimi vrati. Tam se razprostira dnevna soba s prostorno jedilnico in z zimskim vrtom. V središču tega prostora betonski kamin ne le ogreva, temveč tudi ustvarja nevidno mejo med dnevnim prostorom in sodobno kuhinjo z otokom. Odprto stopnišče, ki dinamično povezuje vse dele interierja, nas vodi iz bivalnih delov v spalnice- oaze miru. Celoten interijer ohranja monokromatsko minimalistično estetiko, ki se razprostira od glave do peta in ustvari vzdušje, brezčasne sodobnosti. Na vrhu stopnišča nas čaka knjižnica, kjer se lahko popolnoma potopimo v svet literature.
Within the bourgeois villa clad in a classical envelope with a modern soul, unfolds a realm of contemporary and functional design. Our journey commences in the foyer, where a restrained aesthetic is unveiled, defining the entire interior concept that seamlessly transitions through every space of the villa. Shades of gray and the natural texture of wood dominate, accentuated by sleek black elements. An elegantly open staircase guides us to the central living space, concealed behind grand sliding doors. Here, the living room sprawls forth, accompanied by a spacious dining area and a winter garden. At the heart of this expanse, a concrete fireplace not only radiates warmth but also creates an invisible divide between the living area and the contemporary kitchen with an island. The open staircase, dynamically linking all components of the interior, leads from the living quarters to the bedrooms—an oasis of peace. The entire interior maintains a monochromatic minimalist aesthetic, cascading from head to toe, fostering an ambiance of timeless modernity. At the summit of the staircase awaits a library, where one can immerse oneself entirely in the world of literature.