Hiša ZEN



Razkošje prazne sobe oz. tako okolje nam ponuja sproščujoč, zračen prostor brez nepotrebne navlake, vse nam je lažje na očeh, hkrati pa spodbuja življenje v miru in tišini. Videti je težnjo po uporabi sodobnih tehnološko konstrukcijskih rešitvah in uporabi sodobnega materiala. Prevladujejo ravne linije, čistost, sofisticiranost in brez- ornamentnost. Z velikim steklenimi panoramskimi stenami deluje fasada kot tv ekran, hkrati pa z oblikovno idejo zabrišemo mejo med notranjostjo – zunanjostjo. Z zunanjo zasaditvijo in zen vrtom pa še poudarimo asketskost ambienta. Osrednji predmet omembe v prostoru je zagotovo centralno umeščen kubus s funkijo omare, ki funkcijonira kot nevidezna bariera med spalnico in kopalnico, zaradi svoje funkcije omogoča prehodnost v vseh smereh. Hiša ima vse, kar je potrebno za urbane stanovalce. Moderna zasnova, mobilnost nekaterih elementov in dizajnersko premišljene poteze pa naredijo iz enote, prostorno urbano bivanje. 


The luxury of an empty room or such an environment offers us a relaxing, airy space without unnecessary clutter, everything is easier on the eye, promotes a life of peace and quiet at the same time. There is a tendency to use modern technological construction solutions and the use of modern materials. Straight lines, purity, sophistication and non-ornamentality prevail. With large glass panoramic walls, the facade acts as a TV screen, and at the same time, with the design idea, we blur the line between the interior and the exterior. With an outdoor planting and a zen garden, one can emphasise the ascetic nature of the ambience. The main object in the space worth mentioning is certainly the centrally located cube with the function of a closet, which functions as an invisible barrier between the bedroom and the bathroom, which due to its function allows passage in all directions. The house has everything needed for urban residents. Modern design, mobility of some elements and design-wise thoughtful moves make the unit a spacious urban stay.


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