Hiša DS
Arhitektura tišine. Samooskrbno in samozadostno bivanje ob gozdni jasi. Prenova ambienta v družinski hiši je zasnovano individualno za potrebe in okus uporabnika. Usmerjena je Post-modernistično v formi, ki jemlje elemente prejšnjih obdobji, posebno iz modernizma, hkrati pa vključuje avtorski značaj. V prostoru je poleg prevladovanja osnovnih oblik in čistih linij pomemben dejavnik tudi svetloba, naravna in umetna.
The architecture of silence. A self-sufficient and self-sustainable living right off the forest clearing. Renovation of the ambiance in the family house is designed individually for the needs and tastes of the user. Post-modernist orientation is the form that takes in the elements of previous periods, especially from modernism, while incorporating an authorial character. In addition to the predominance of basic forms and clean lines, light, natural and artificial factors play an important part within space.